• Question: Can playing fortnite make your violent?

    Asked by Mesho to Sudhin, Sergio, Katie, Frances, Diarmuid, Aoife on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Frances Shiely

      Frances Shiely answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I haven’t studied this myself but I’ve looked up the literature. The jury is out on this one. Some studies say it does, and some studies say it doesn’t. But studies do show that watching violent video games does increase aggressive behaviour.

    • Photo: Aoife Campbell

      Aoife Campbell answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      I havent played this myself or read much about this topic but I dont think so (according to my brother!). I think there might be underlying anger issues in a person’s life if a game can make them more angry

    • Photo: Katie Fala

      Katie Fala answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      This is definitely not my area of expertise! But I’m not aware of high-quality evidence to support the claim that gaming makes people more violent, in my opinion there are probably underlying issues and it is more likely to be a symptom rather than a cause. That said, I wouldn’t let my 3 year old play Fortnite just yet as I think it’s too graphic for her, the same way I wouldn’t let her watch violent films as I think she’s too young.
