• Question: Do you make the cures or do you design and if you make them do you make them in a lab with other people or by yourself?

    Asked by hazel.com to Sudhin, Sergio, Katie, Frances, Diarmuid, Aoife on 19 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Katie Fala

      Katie Fala answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      My project is based on microbiology, rather than designing new drugs from scratch I am looking for ones produced by bacteria. So I first have to screen and find interesting bacteria that produce the desired effect, after which I will need to characterise exactly what compounds they are producing. Once a new drug is found, sometimes scientists will study the structure and try to modify the molecules to make them more effective – this is called rational design. At the moment I mostly work on my project by myself but in the future I will be collaborating with others. Thanks for your question, let me know if you want to know anything else!
